Odyssey the Final Mission:

Spring 2025

Ready to unlock the secrets of your birth chart?

Eager to understand Astrology?

Look no further than Odyssey!

Birth charts are a snapshot of the moment you took your first breath in this world.

When you understand yours, you understand who you truly are.

This course helps you dive in and unlock the deeper meaning of your birth chart revealing strengths, struggles, and purpose.

Use the most specific astrology that exists to cultivate a firm foundation of the basics.

Gain a sense of security in who you are and were always meant to be!

Odyssey: Journey Through Your Birth Chart,

have the confidence and clarity to move forward in life and embrace your unique journey.

15 week program will run from May to August 2025

Curriculum Preview

  BEFORE WE BEGIN! START HERE!! + WIN a free session!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step ONE: Pull your Natal Chart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 2 & 3: Foundations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 4, 5, & 6: Planets rule Signs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 7 - 10: Signs rule Houses
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 11 & 12 : Houses mean everything
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Weeks 13- 15 : Puling it all together
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Planetary Magick
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the journey/course include a FREE READING with you?

YESSSSS! If you finish the course the last two weeks you can schedule a free 1.5 hour session with me. You will get a chance to read your own chart to me AND a chance for me to give you a Lil' Bite private reading of your chart from my expertise!

When does the course begin?

The WELCOME Live is in May 2025 there is a "preview" under the curriculum section on this page,*scroll up and click highlighted tab" that contains exact dates.

It is a 15 week course.

Is it self-paced or Live sessions?

It contains both re pre-recorded videos that you study at your own pace on a week-to-week schedule.

Some Saturdays there will be an optional Live session with me. You will have the opportunity to send in questions prior to the Live and we can discuss anything you are unclear on. You will also have a chance to work through your chart and see real life examples of other Astrology charts.

Is this an astrology course? Will I know know to read charts?

This course is a journey through your personal natal chart (aka birth chart). Together we will break down all foundational information and aspects within your chart in ways that explain not only what it is, and means, but also WHY it is. If you follow the journey diligently will you understand your own astrology so deeply, YES, you will be able to interpret others charts.

Can I take this course if I have never had a chart reading?

Absolutely!! Readings can differ depending on the reader's lens. You will just have the first lens of your chart!

What if I have already had my chart read by other astrologers?

My favorite phrase for this is "Astrology is like a ham sandwich"

If you go to 20 different houses, or restaurants and ask for a ham sandwich (i.e. astrology reading) you will get 20 different ham sandwiches. But each one is still 100% a ham sandwich, just different versions, all true. This course will be you, exploring yourself, and your chart deeper and with more intention than any professional astrologer could.

What if I don't know my exact birth time?

The course starts in May, but you will have access to the steps and tips on how to retrieve your "long form birth certificate" before then.

However if it is still not possible to retrieve, you can still pull a free chart for midnight on the date of your birth. It will still be very accurate for many planets but will not cover your Rising sign or house information.

Meet your Astrologer

Erin is a colorful astrologer, and social media magician with an obsession for ease, self expression, and finding ancient secrets hidden all around us.

She has made it her mission to inspire people to craft their own vision of an extraordinary life, even in the most mundane moments.

Erin invites you to radiate your self expression in every facet of your life, and radically embrace who you are and who you were ALWAYS meant to be through your personal astrology.

She can typically be found holed up in her high desert home poring over client star charts, birthing bits of art & film for reels and social media, and pushing the boundaries of acceptable attire in the the most banal of activities.

Erin delights in weaving threads of childlike excitement & joy, astrology, and moon magic into everything she creates, while teaching you to do the same.